Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Deephaven in Fall

It never ceases to amaze me how gorgeous it is around here in October. People talk about the colors up north, or down south, but I think Vine Hill Road and Ridgewood Road have about the most beautiful colored trees a person could ever hope to see at this time of year. I've also heard people refer to Deephaven as God's Country, and I would say that I have to agree.

Last week was a year from Grandma Gloria's passing, and we brought her ashes to scatter around the tree sitting by her bench at the Arboretum. How she loved it there.

Bruce has been busy getting the cabin ready for winter. Lots of leaves to deal with up there, too, plus getting the dock and boat out and winterized for the season. He chopped up a bunch of wood, which will most likely last us forever!

My little hot tub had to be put away for the season. Too bad our extreme Minnesota winters don't allow it to be used year round, but then it will be exciting to put it out again in the Spring.

I guess now that winter is again on it's way, there is a need to adjust to the new Season. I don't particularly enjoy the bitter cold or driving on winter roads, but perhaps I can look a little closer and hopefully notice the goodness of what this time of year can offer.

I am looking forward to the Holidays!


  1. (((((HUGS))))) I know that could not have been easy scattering Grandma Gloria's ashes. I did not realize it had already been a year.

    I wish you could keep your hot tub out year round to use. I know that mine is a huge help for me.

    The colors of Fall are glorious this year and I have been enjoying them. God certainly is an artist!

  2. You know, it was mostly a relief to get her ashes to a resting place. We meant to do it earlier, but you know how life is. And, yes, it would be nice to use my little hot tub year round!

  3. I'm sure your grandmother's spirit is happy that her ashes were scattered in a place that was special to her.

    I enjoyed seeing all the fall colors in your pictures. It was 102F here, in Southern California, yesterday and going to be 106F today! :)

  4. Yes, I think she's in a place where she would have wanted to be. And, wow, 106F!


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