Sunday, March 22, 2015

Eating At Home

Some days I cherish being able to eat at home. I know that probably sounds a little strange, but these days I find myself struggling to think of what to make for us to eat. Maybe that's because I've been cooking for the family for so long, or maybe I'm just tired from not sleeping, I guess it doesn't really matter why except it gets expensive to eat out and the quality of restaurant food doesn't always match the amount of money spent.

When I was growing up, we never ate out. We didn't know any better, that's just the way it was. And you know what? We were healthier and we had money to spend on more important things. These days if people lack inspiration in the cooking department, they have so many restaurant options and they just go out to eat, or pick up something fast to bring home. It's no longer a treat to eat out. And if you take the time to tally things up, it's crazy to see how much money is spent on food that is just so-so.

Yesterday was one of those days. I thought, why are we not eating a sandwich? A simple, humble sandwich like salami and cheese. We even had some leftover African Peanut Soup to go with! So we did, and then we talked about what a great lunch it was.

I need to remember to think about this. Eating a sandwich at home is almost always a good idea.

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