Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lake Harriet in Mid-March

Bruce and I went for a walk around Lake Harriet today, first time around for the new year. I don't remember if we've ever walked around this early in the season, but we kept seeing things we hadn't noticed before, probably because there were no leaves in the trees to hide them. Lots of folks were out walking and biking and rollerblading. Lots of dogs, too. There were still some patches of ice that glittered like diamonds on the lake. One lady had waded into the lake up to her waist and was just standing there. I heard someone ask her about it, and she said that she had just finished running 26 miles and needed to cool down before her long drive home. I bet that water was pretty chilly!


  1. Thanks! I couldn't tell how the pictures actually looked until after I got home. The lake was so beautiful that day.


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