Sunday, March 25, 2012

Forever and Ever

Hydrangeas, that is. Last year we planted some new Hydrangea bushes along the front walkway. It's part of my master plan to convert to mostly perennials in our yard. I love flowers and I love a beautiful yard, but I'm not really a gardener. I try, I really do, but it's a struggle. Anyway, with our mild winter and early spring weather, things are starting to bud and I was relieved to see that the new Hydrangeas survived their first year. I went out today and clipped off the old flower heads and brushed away leaves from the plants. I also took a look around the mailbox where I planted Hyacinth and Allium bulbs last fall and a couple of the Hyacinth are starting to come up. I'm feeling a little nervous about the Allium though. I hope the squirrels didn't get in there and dig up bulbs ...


  1. A gardener friend of mine puts chicken wire over his bulbs and then mulches over that. He said it keeps the squirrels from digging up the bulbs. It might be worth a try.

  2. I might have to try that if the bulbs don't come up. I'll have to wait and see, I guess.


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