Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ah, So That Makes Sense

I've been trying to understand why Cleo doesn't act like any of the other cats we've had over the years. She's absolutely beautiful and obviously intelligent, but so active! And verbal, her voice sounding more like a chirp than a meow.

She's constantly pacing and attempting to open up cupboards and drawers. We even had to put a lock on the sliding door to the kitchen because she figured out how to open it during the night. She loves to play in water, bites, and climbs up the highest places.

And she wants to be by me constantly. She's intense.

I finally put two and two together. She's part Bengal. I mean, I knew that, but today I actually did a little research about Bengals. They have big personalities, and evidently, quite a few are surrendered to shelters because people find they don't have the time or energy to deal with them.

This is good to know. Poor little girl is just being who she is. I'm going to have to give her a little slack!


  1. I have one like her, Mr. Chubbs. He is a handful, but oh so entertaining!

  2. Mr. Chubbs, what a wonderful name! It really did help to help my observations validated, and I think I can appreciate her uniqueness better now.


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