Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The sun came out today, and with it came energy.  It's amazing what a little sun can do in the dead of winter in Minnesota! The roads were pretty good, too, with the exception of a car crash on the side of the road as I was heading home from work.

I had my workout at Curves, and am finally getting some things done in preparation for next week. Today I bagged up the wine I'm giving to co-workers. And the kids are now giving me Christmas gift ideas ... it's a good thing I'm not one of those people who buy things months in advance! Holiday cards are almost finished, too. I hope to get them in the mail tomorrow.

The above picture is of the one who is the reason why my Christmas tree isn't up yet. He looks innocent, but don't let looks deceive you. Maybe we'll get the tree up this weekend when there are more people around to supervise him.

It's a red beans and rice kind of night, with fried eggs on top. Every once in a while I remember our stay at the orphanage in Mexico, and I get a craving for that kind of food. Humble food is good.

I hope you all are staying warm and safe, and that the upcoming holiday season is not too stressful.


  1. Love the sun through the stained glass. Reminds me that I need to hang up my little stained glass hummingbird panel!

  2. I love my little stained glass things!


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