Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thanksgiving Prep

Thanksgiving dinner will be at noon tomorrow, and all the family will be here. As the years have passed, I'm finally getting better at doing things ahead of time, and now I take as many shortcuts as I can. I used to worry and stress about everything being perfect, and ended up leaving most of the cooking to Thanksgiving day. No more of that, please. I want to be able to sit by the fire, and chat with everyone else! So, Monday night I made a pumpkin cheesecake, it's a new recipe and who knows if it'll be good, but it looks good ... Tuesday, I put together the Special Mashed Potatoes, and made cranberry sauce and gravy. The turkey's been thawing in the fridge. Today I spent time with Mom, cleaned house, set the tables, and finished up little food prep things. We'll eat on two tables this year to allow for better social distancing, plus there's the fact that it would be very tricky to fit 9 adults and a highchair around my dining room table! I found the big electric roaster we bought two years ago before the pandemic began, and I'm excited to try it out. More space in the oven open for all the side dishes! I'm feeling like all my ducks are in a row at this point, and I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Bless, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, too!

    2. Thank you, Bless, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, too!

    3. Thank you, Bless, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, too!


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