Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November Decluttering Challenge

I stumbled upon a new blog to read, and I'm finding it to be both calming, and motivating at the same time. The writer mentions that she's not trying to be a minimalist, but would just like to have fewer things in general, a lighter load. She has set a monthly goal of decluttering a minimum of one thing a day for the month. Of course, if there happens to be more than one thing decluttered a day, all the better, but a minimum of one is the goal. How many times have I set out to find a bag or more at a time to give away? And then end up feeling overwhelmed and eventually stop doing it? One item a day seems almost leisurely, but if it gets the momentum going, why not? So, I think I will join her in this challenge. I've already found some prescription glasses that no longer meet my needs (actually 5 pairs that no longer meet my needs!), and they will go somewhere else. I might check with friends first to see if they work for them, but then offer them to the Care Center where Dad used to live if they don't. (I saw that they had a box for glasses to be donated one time when I was visiting) It's time to start Swedish Death Cleaning again! Who's in with me for the challenge?


  1. I am! Hi, Sandy! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, earlier! Old prescription glasses that no longer work for you are a good item to declutter. Looking forward to seeing what else you declutter! :)

  2. Me, too, Bless! Sometimes I realize that I'm just organizing things, things that no longer work in my life, such as those glasses that hadn't been worn for quite some time. I need to be more observant of things that are just quietly sitting there unnoticed.


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