Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Swedish Meatballs and Lingonberries

We're thinking that we'd like to update our kitchen table and chairs for more efficient space, and made a trip to Ikea, just to see what they have. Plus, I've been craving their swedish meatballs and lingonberries ... I had managed to get an appointment at the clinic in the morning for my flu shot and Covid booster, so we went there in the early afternoon before I started to feel the effects of them. Katie and little boy met us there, and of course it turned into a grand adventure! (We didn't really see anything that we wanted to buy for the kitchen, but there's now the possiblity of an old wooden farm table we saw at a consignment shop. I do think I prefer to buy second hand rather than brand new, it just seems like a better thing to do for the planet.) After we got home from our trip, I decided to lay low and continue to drink lots of water and decaffeinated green tea. I ended up having about 24 hours of body aches and tiredness, but no fever like last time, so that's pretty good. Mom will most likely get her booster shot at the beginning of December, and I was glad to hear that they now have a date scheduled. She keeps asking about when!


  1. Swedish meatballs and lingonberries sound delicious! I like the idea of a second hand table - reuse and recycle and all that. Better for the planet, as you say.
    Glad to hear that the side effects from the booster didn't last long. :)

    1. We're still thinking about whether that table will be the one to get. I'm not always that visual in my head, so we might try to lay out a cardboard pattern on the floor to see if the size and shape are still appealing. Funny how you just get used to what you have, so much so that you can't even imagine a change!


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