Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The News

There's not a lot of new news to report, except that the hummingbird feeder has been found! This was the first year in quite a while that I've hung one out, so I wondered if they would even think it worth their while to check out our yard. But there she was (I think she was a she, I should really read up on them) this morning. I'm hoping she will now spread the news to family and friends.

And the yard smells so good with all the lilac blooms!

We've been exploring the neighborhood in the late afternoon or early evening, usually walking for a good hour. Deephaven is so lovely, and has many wooded areas that give the feeling of walking through a thick forest. I continue to be amazed at how little I actually know of the area, considering that we've lived in this house for almost thirty years! But it's always better late than never, I suppose, and maybe I'm at a time of my life that I'm really able to take notice of all the beautiful little details and appreciate them.


  1. It sounds like you are living in a very beautiful part of the country. The lilacs look lovely and I am glad you found your hummingbird feeder! Hope your week is going well.

  2. Thank you! I feel pretty lucky to be living in this area, and that my kids could grow up here, too.

  3. Those lilacs are beautiful! I think we usually overlook the little details of life, and that is a shame, because those are usually the most important ones.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I agree! I'm really trying to see little details these days, I'm finding it wonderful. Take care.


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