Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hot Hot Hot

It's been so hot this past week! We had temps in the upper 90's for several days, and one day made it to 101 degrees! Even with the air on, it was warm in the house. We escaped to the cabin for a couple of days, hoping it might be a little cooler, but it wasn't by much. We took a little window fan with us, and that helped. I found the white noise of it to be soothing and ended up sleeping in until 9:30 AM, something that rarely happens.

It was pretty gorgeous up there. The lake at dusk was amazing to look at, and the frogs and loons were loud. We found a new radio station to listen to, a classic country one out of Aitken. I grilled some weiners and we made chili dogs with lentil chili I brought from home. We met the new neighbors ... he was a former FBI/now PI Guy ... I wonder if they will end up being friends to hang out with, which could be nice.

We did a little frugal landscaping by moving ferns around to different sides the cabin. It seems that the ferns do well up there, the hosta could do better if not for the deer chewing them down. We're trying a new granular product to discourage them. And if that doesn't work, maybe we just give up on the hosta.

I'm finding that I like a little routine up at the cabin, too. When Bruce mows, I weed. When we're out in the boat and Bruce fishes, I read. Of course, coffee and Sudoku in the early morning are always good. And watching an episode or two of Fargo or Alfred Hitchcock Presents on DVD before bed is good, too.

Now home, and I am working on my hot tub/bubble spa. Initially getting the pH and total alkalinity levels adjusted can be a pain, but when it's done it will be lovely! We set it up in the screen porch again this year, so no seed droppings or bugs to deal with.

Next up ... rhubarb dessert ...

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