Thursday, April 16, 2020

Meanwhile At Home

Things around here have slowed down quite a bit now that we're under the Stay At Home Order. Meals have become even more simple ... soups, casseroles, sandwiches. Lots of time to sit with the cats in front of the fireplace and drink tea, too. There should be plenty of time to clean and organize, but that doesn't always happen. And, talking to good friends on the phone more often has been a very good thing.

It's been a time to think about new ideas. Items like kleenex and toilet paper are not always there in the stores these days. I happened to see some reusable flannel baby wipes online, and wondered if they might work for things like kleenex (or even toilet paper in a pinch). People used to use things like hankies in the past, why did they stop? I ordered some, and have been using them in place of kleenex while I'm at home. And found that I love them.

Baking bread? Yes, bread is sometimes difficult to find, too. I pulled out my bread maker and have been making a loaf a week. I've had a couple of interesting loaves come out ... but, I think I know why. One time the circuit breaker flipped before the bread was done baking, and I had to try to finish it in the oven with so-so results. Another time, I think I put one of the paddles in upside down, and it changed the shape of the bread on that side. New things to remember for future baking!

I've experimented with different types of cloth face masks for when I need to go to the store. I've always been a little claustrophobic, so feeling like I can breathe is huge. I ended up ordering some masks on Etsy (which took a while to arrive but, after all, we are in a pandemic) and they are SO NICE. Now, I can focus my energy on keeping my distance from people, versus worrying about not being able to breathe.

It's good to focus on staying healthy during these times, too. It's easy to get ramped up with anxious thoughts during a pandemic and forced stay at home orders. Sleep can be tricky. Previous good habits like drinking lots of water throughout the day are sometimes forgotten. It's a challenge to stay mindful of these things. I started checking my temperature every day before holding Baby Aaron, and have continued doing that even now after they've gone home. I found my misplaced blood pressure monitor, and have started checking my blood pressure every so often ... I had started to think that it might be elevated with the constant bad news on the TV and internet ... and it was reassuring to see that it was not. I've also been excited that Curves is now offering streaming of workouts online, so there's another option available. Of course, Bruce and I will resume our 1-2 hour walks as soon as this latest cold snap of weather goes away.

It's a new reality to live with.

Thankfully home feels like a sanctuary, and that's a very good thing.

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