Friday, October 12, 2018

The Week After

We've been working through things, and trying to get done what needs to be done. So far, Mark and I have cleaned out Dad's room at the Care Center, written Dad's obituary, and picked up his ashes from the Cremation Society. We chose a cedar box with engraved ducks along side his name because Dad used to love to go duck hunting. Mom and I made a visit to the Care Center, and brought along a huge bowl of candy bars for the staff who cared for Dad. Mom was able to say thank you and good bye, and then also get a few hugs from the people that we got to know these last two years.

Jake has been home this week, and that's been a good distraction. And it's been comforting to do regular things, like making food and going to Craft Night. Terry came over and we sat in the hot tub one last time for the season before we put it away for the winter. I hope it even works next spring ... the motor started making noise recently and then suddenly it turned off while we were sitting in it! I know, we've been lucky that we've had three seasons with it at all, especially since it wasn't very expensive to begin with, but I would miss it if it were gone.

There's a memorial service at Chapel View coming up in early November for the folks who have passed away in the last month, and we'll go. It can be Dad's church service. Later on we might have a small open house for close friends and family, and then of course, the burial at Fort Snelling. There's really no rush, though, as I think we'll probably wait until kids can be home for them.

Mom is doing okay. She said that even though she had gotten used to Dad not being around all the time, the permanency of her new life will take time to adjust to.

I find myself thinking about Dad frequently. I find myself alternating between bursts of energy and  exhaustion. Gwen referred to this as waves, and I think that sounds about right. I'll try to rest and take care of myself as much as possible but as usual, sleep is a tricky, tricky thing ...

The last photo here is a cool picture we found of Dad wearing his signature hat. It was taken right before he started getting ill, and I like it because it shows his kind eyes.

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