Wednesday, August 1, 2018


August already, and the evening noises are starting to sound like fall.

Funny that I don't remember feeling like summer was coming to an end when it was only the end of July or the beginning of August. Why does it seem that way now?

Then again, life feels kind of slow.

We've gotten together with friends for conversation and music and still try to get out and walk, usually after supper. And suppers are frequently eaten on the porch, usually humble foods that are easy to make and not a big deal.

Dad continues to get more frail. They bring up the topic of Hospice at times. I suppose we should think about it, but he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable and he's still quite alert. And Mom isn't ready to think about things like that. I pray that we will know what to do when the time is right.

I guess things don't always have to be fast paced and full of adventures.

Maybe that's okay.

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