Sunday, January 17, 2016


I finally got up enough energy to put Christmas away, and it feels good. Well, the poinsettias are still in the hallway, but that's okay. Poor Minnie will miss her tree, but I moved her little bed to over by the fireplace and I have a feeling that she might like it there, too.

It's been bitter cold this weekend, and nobody has felt like going outside. Except for the animals, but then they want back in right away. Tristin finally gave up bugging me to let him go out, and curled up by a chair to nap. I've been knitting hats for Little Bohemian Heart, making things like toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, and even found a new jigsaw puzzle downstairs that I had forgotten about!

We had another craft night, and Terri made us a Two Moon Wild Rice and Blueberry Bundt Cake. People worked on loom projects, too, so it wasn't all eating.  :-)

I think that Dad is slowly getting some strength back. He's been practicing his own version of physical therapy by getting up more often during the day, and using the walker back and forth from the kitchen to the living room. Mom faithfully encourages him to eat more and drink Ensure.

I have awesome parents.

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