Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Morning Walk In October

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather today, and drove to South Minneapolis to walk around Lake Harriet. Even now as I write, the temps have reached close to 80 degrees and it's almost the middle of October! We parked the car, and then I noticed the Rose Garden. Of all the times we've walked around Lake Harriet, and even years ago when we lived just a few blocks away from Lake Harriet, we've never taken the time to look at the Rose Garden! Were we always in such a hurry to get around the Lake and go home? I decided that we needed to go right then, before we started walking around the Lake because I just knew that it wouldn't happen unless we did.

And the roses were still in bloom, even this late in the season. One of the fountains was still going, and the one that wasn't reminded me of something that I might see in the movie, Rosemary's Baby. There were others like me who were taking pictures of the roses and fountains with their iPhones, and it felt welcoming and kind of sweet. How could have I missed seeing such treasures before?

After the Rose Garden and after the walk around the Lake, we headed home for a tuna salad sandwich with bread and butter pickles, which was quite wonderful. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your walk. I love that fountain!


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