Monday, October 19, 2015

Dock's Out

I cannot believe the weather we are having! Over 70 degrees today and it's the middle of October!

Bruce and Curt took the docks out this past weekend, which is kind of a big job. I admire them for knowing how to dismantle the things and I admire them for going into the cold water to do it. Too bad that the lake season is coming to a close, but I'm sure we'll try to get up a time or two during the winter months. Katie said she and Avi are planning on coming for a visit over Christmas, and I'm thinking she might want to show him the cabin. I wonder what he will think of our Minnesota weather then ...

Jessie does really well when we are up there. She eats right away, and sleeps well at night. She also loves to sniff around for chipmunks, and hang out on the dock watching Bruce fish. She still uses the little carpeted steps to get into the car, sweet old girl.

We tried out a new place to eat, the Twin Pines. It was wonderful! It had broasted chicken and a salad bar, two of my favorites. I asked the little gal serving us what kind of red wine they had, and she said Merlot. I also had to take a picture of the sweet table cloth. We will be returning to eat there again!

1 comment:

  1. My parents are here visiting and helping us out after my surgery, but I know they are going to be going back home soon and have to get their dock and the neighbor's docks all brought in before the big freeze hits the lake.


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