Monday, January 28, 2013

Something New

Yesterday included an attempt at something new. I found a recipe on the internet explaining how to make a turkey without thawing it out first, and let me tell you, that was exciting! I have these frozen turkeys in my freezer that I bought on sale some time ago, and even though I've had good intentions of pulling them out and roasting them, it just doesn't happen. Probably because I never think far enough in advance to thaw them, and so they sit in the freezer. Anyway, I even found an article from the Mayo Clinic stating that making turkeys this way is safe, so I decided to give it a try. All you do is take off the plastic wrapping, place the turkey breast down in the pan in a pre-heated oven of 325 degrees, and start roasting. After about 2-3 hours, you take the turkey out and you should be able to remove the giblets and gravy pack from inside the cavity. Turn the turkey over breast side up, rub on some oil if you want, and season with salt and pepper. Put it back in the oven until total cooking time is about 5-6 hours, at the end checking with a thermometer to see if it's cooked through. The recipe was for a 12-13 pound turkey and it said it should be done in about five hours. Mine was a 15 pound one, so I kept it in about six. It was a beautiful turkey and it was extra moist. The family loved it, and I was so impressed that I think it's going to be my new way of roasting turkeys. Look at the picture for proof! I then popped the carcass in my crockpot to start making soup for tonight's supper.

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