Sunday, September 30, 2012

Taking Care of Things

I spent time taking care of my home today, including nurturing a couple of plants. My basil plant surprised me this summer, by not only surviving but by actually thriving. I moved it out to the porch to get some sunshine, but I'll probably have to bring it back in tonight as nights have been cool. I also transplanted my Gerber daisy plant. (Last week when I went to visit Debbie, I was shocked to see that the Gerber daisy I gave her on Jake's Confirmation Day a few years back, was still alive and blooming. She might also have a green thumb and I'm pretty that sure I don't, but I figured it was worth a shot, anyway.) The bird cage was cleaned, bathrooms were scrubbed down, and animal hair was vacuumed up. Knowing that company will be coming into the house is a good incentive to clean! I also spent some time relaxing on the porch, enjoying the warm breezes and the sound of neighbors' sprinklers. And despite how dry this summer has been, the Fall colors have actually been decent!

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