Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jazzin' Up The Basement

Back in May, we decided to finally take the plunge and get the basement waterproofed. We've had water in the basement a number of times since we've lived here, but nothing compared to what we had back in the Spring of 2019, now that was traumatic!

Finding a company we could trust was big, too, but I think we're satisfied with the work that was done. And, the new sump pump hasn't even run once since it was installed but, of course, it's the dry part of the season now. Sometimes we wonder if the flood of 2019 was a once in a lifetime occurrence, but it was so overwhelming that we don't want to ever have to deal with something like that again. Plus, we're not getting any younger.

I told myself that I needed to be brave, and just deal with all the strange men coming into our home, plus all the mess and loud noise. The cats were freaked out and little boy who was over here part of the time didn't like the loud noise, either. We told him it was a loud woodpecker making the noise instead of a jack hammer!  We ended up going upstairs into Bruce's office where it was less noisy, and built a fort out of a big cardboard box we had in the garage.

Bruce built a corner into the wall to conceal the pipes that were added for the sump pump. I have no idea how he knows how to do these things, but I am appreciative. 

Jake had helped Bruce carry the big blue couch up the stairs into the garage, and of course it needed to find a new home. Salvation Army refused to take it because it had a small tear on it, so as soon as their truck drove away, I put a listing up on Facebook Marketplace for a free, comfy, blue couch. I immediately started getting texts and shares of the listing, and by early afternoon, a minivan had backed into our driveway, and loaded the couch up. The woman taking the couch was so grateful for it, and kept thanking me. I said, no, thank YOU! 😂

The paint on the walls only needed a little touch up. We like the yellow paint we have down there, it's cheerful and lightens things up. We also had new carpet installed but that only took a day to be done. The name of the carpet we picked out was "Tender Moment". Who in the world thinks up these names? 😂

And, then Katie and Avi gifted us a loveseat from Maryland that they no longer wanted. We stuffed it into Bruce's car, and then Mark helped Bruce carry it down into the basement. It looks good!


We're loving our new space. Minnie is the only cat allowed to be down there, and of course, she feels special.

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