Sunday, March 6, 2022


The start of the weekend ended up kind of busy as I navigated changing cellphone carriers. I'd been thinking about changing over to Mint Mobile for probably over a year, and I finally got my courage up to do it! We've had our previous carrier for over a decade, and changing over would mean a big savings in money for us, a good $125 a month. That's almost a couple of weeks of grocery money! But, change is hard, and I was a little anxious. After all, cell phones have become so important. And, it was a process, but I pushed through it, and got it done. Yay, me. I thought that I was tired because of having to work so hard through this task, but then I started to feel a sore throat coming on. In the past, I would assume that I had a cold starting, but in this time of pandemic, you can start to wonder...
So, I've been sipping on lots of hot, herbal tea. My red, flannel hankies have been such a comfort!
I decided to make a big pot of chicken noodle soup, and added quite a bit of garlic. I even found some cough drops that had no expiration date listed on the box, and decided it probably wouldn't hurt. When I was growing up, my family called cough drops lozengers. A while back, I mentioned the word lozengers to my husband, who corrected me and said, did I mean to say lozenges? I did not. I looked the word up in a dictionary, and though it's probably an older term, it is actually a word. Hah!
And, to play it safe, I took a covid test that turned out negative. Today, my cold symptoms seem to be running their course, and I think I'm getting better. I guess there are still colds out in the world, but having worn my face mask faithfully these past two years, I've been amazingly healthy. After the mask mandate goes away, will we all start getting sick with colds again?
Last night I got an etsy order for a corsage, now boxed up and ready for the mailbox tomorrow. I take that as another sign that Spring is finally on it's way! That and all the cardinal couples I've been seeing in the yard...

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