Thursday, July 2, 2020

Summer's Here

Despite Covid-19, summer is here!

It's hot, and it's humid, and it's still wonderful. We now try to walk in the early evening after supper, when the sun is starting to go down. I think our endurance levels are improving, as walking up the streets that are hilly are more tolerable. Energy levels are still generally down, but that does seem to happen at this time of the year.

I'm loving all the perennial flowers that are blooming. And our bird feeders have been quite popular this year with colorful birds ... cardinals, black capped chickadees, goldfinch, and blue jays. I actually saw some bluebirds (of happiness) checking out a bird house hanging from the tree in the front yard! That's the first time in my life that I've seen an actual bluebird! We also have a crow family that's been hanging out, too. Hummingbirds are coming to the feeders, and I swear they know me. I think they watch for when I put out fresh food, and hover about and look at me when I'm in the porch. They're so cute!

Some charity pick ups are finally available again, and today we had one scheduled. All the stuff that had been patiently waiting in the garage and basement are now gone, and maybe I can try to get a pick up scheduled once a month for awhile. That would be a very good thing for us.

We can now visit mom on the front porch of her facility. We can't be close or hug or anything, and still need to wear a mask, but I have hopes that things are moving in the right direction. They said they're talking about letting folks start to eat in the dining rooms again, in shifts, and maybe have happy hours on the porch again instead of people eating alone in their rooms. That would also be a very good thing.

Fireworks have been cancelled this year. I went to Cub today and on an impulse, bought some sparklers. We'll see if we use them on the 4th! I did hang the flag. And I hear they will be broadcasting a show of fireworks on TV. 😉

I know that our world is not even close to the world it used to be, and that saddens me. But, again, being outdoors is the closest thing to normal that I can find at this time, and so that's where I want to be.

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