Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Hoping For The Best

Well, mom tested positive for the virus, and had to spend a few weeks quarantined in her assisted living apartment. It was a very long few weeks, with plenty of heaviness on everyone's heart. She was lucky, though, in that she didn't develop the scary symptoms that the senior population frequently does. I am grateful and relieved for that.

However, being out of quarantine seems more symbolic than anything, as the freedom to be out and about everywhere is still restricted. Also, is our ability to actually go into the building to visit. We can schedule porch visits through the screen, though, and we've already seen her once this week.

I went to Target and picked up a retro webbed strap lawn chair (red, white, and blue!) to sit on outside the screen. Mom sat inside the screened porch. We were supposed to wear our masks during the visit, and we mostly did ...

Who knows when this pandemic will be over? When will a vaccine be available?

I guess we just keep going and hope for the best.

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