Monday, June 18, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I think the rain has finally stopped! Between the oppressive heat, clouds, and humidity, I seem to have run low on energy this past week. And it didn't help that a big wind blew in and took down a beautiful sugar maple tree in our front yard ... it was a gorgeous tree, too, I would guess it to be about 50 years old, with bright yellow leaves in the fall and a perfect tree for climbing. All that's left is the stump, such sadness. I thought for sure that we would need to plant another one in it's place right away, but then I noticed all the extra light coming into the living room and started to think maybe not.

Funny how easy it is to cling to the old and familiar, and then how surprising it is to be able to let go!

Father's Day was yesterday, and we spent the morning with mom and dad at the care center. They had a BBQ planned for whoever might want to go, but we didn't make our decision until we got there and saw how dad was holding up. He was awake this visit, so nice when he is, and so we sat outside for a while before the day heated up and then headed in to lunch. Although he kept falling asleep while I tried to feed him, I do think he liked being with his family on Father's Day. I brought him a framed picture of Katie and Avi to have in his room. It's difficult to find things for him that he will be able to use or appreciate, but I still want to give him things.

Bruce then said he wanted homemade spaghetti for his Father's Day dinner, so that's what he got. That and some Orange Creamsicle Poke Cake that turned out really light and delicious! I also gave him a bunch of sunflowers and a new Sudoku book, along with a couple of other things that he picked out. 😎 It was a fine enough day.


  1. Hi my friend, I'm sure you father loved the picture and the time that you all spent with him. I'm so sorry about your tree. I am praying that we don't lose a lot of branches off trees here like we did last Spring/Summer.

    1. Aw, thanks, Debbie. You just never know about weather. I am kind of liking the extra light in the living room, though, and the cats are enjoying sleeping in the new light, too. Take care!

  2. Hi Sandy!
    We're having a lot of heat and humidity around here. The Summer has definitely arrived to Portugal!
    I think you're doing the right thing, giving presents to your dad. He feels your love toward him and that, it's what really maters.
    It's sad that you have lost your tree, but at least, now you can enjoy the light in your living room.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Paula. I prefer summer to winter and I will put up with heat and humidity! Light is good, too. And I think my dad knows when we are there, he might not always remember, but I know he likes to have our company.

  3. I'm sure your father enjoyed having his family there on Father's Day. Sorry about your tree, but the extra light is probably nice.

    1. Thank you, Bless. I hope things are well with you.


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