Thursday, December 21, 2017

Go Go Go!

The crazies started to creep in yesterday (as they always do) and then there was nothing else I could do but keep moving. It helped to work off some energy at Curves plus I could compare stories with the other ladies who were also feeling behind in all that they still had to do before the holiday weekend.

But, things are getting done.

Cards are in the mail, complete with Christmas stamps from years gone by. I had to use several stamps instead of one, but I was able to find enough stamps so that I didn't have to make a trip to the post office and then wait in a long line just to buy more.

Gifts are pretty much wrapped. House is pretty much clean. I have most of the grocery items I need. Laundry is done. Fish tank is clean. Still need to put ornaments on the tree. Hats are knitted. Still need to do some food prep and get the stockings in order. Laundry is done. Still need to pay bills. Gas is in the car. Still need to drop off some gifts for friends. Air mattress was purchased for some lucky soul to sleep on in the basement!

I cleaned our bedroom and it's now peaceful and uncluttered. It will feel so good to rest in a clean and peaceful room.

And all the kids come home tomorrow. Yay!

We even have blazing fast internet now ... well, as fast as the phone company can promise us for our area. (Good news, they said, you can get up to 12 Mbps! It's still faster than what we had before).

My goal is to be able to slow down when everybody gets here and just enjoy. It could happen.

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