Friday, May 27, 2016


There have been so many changes lately that it's been hard to keep up.

Dad fell and broke his hip last Sunday. He had surgery the next day. They opted to do spinal anesthesia, and though there was a time period of waiting for his legs to wake up (and Dad said he was sweating it out), it was a faster recovery time from the anesthesia and less chance of delirium setting in. Today he will go back to the TCU and resume therapy. This was a set back, but forward we will go.

Jake finished up his year at St. Olaf, and came back for a short few days. All three kids made it to the hospital to visit Grandma and Grandpa, which was amazing! Then this morning Jake left for New Mexico and will spend the next 10 weeks doing a paid internship at Sandia Labs. I was sad to see him go, but it's a lot less scary than him going to China like he did last summer. And then he let me do the mom thing and make him a PBJ before he left. That felt good.

Nick is planning on going back to school in Winona, and is taking a summer school class. He'll leave in a week or so. Katie will be going to Israel in July, but at least we have a little more time left to spend with her. I guess it will just be us and the cats for awhile after they all leave!

Good things come to those who wait, be patient.

I'll try, really I will.

1 comment:

  1. So many changes all at once. We are in that time of our lives where our children are all spreading their wings and flying while we help care for our aging parents it seems. I'm so glad the kids were all able to see their grandparents. I'll bet that really helped lift your mom and dad's spirits. :)


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