Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Winter is Over

It finally feels like winter is over. Windows are open, cats are hanging out on the porch, and the frogs are singing! The rhubarb that we moved to the side of the house survived ... I think they're still alive, anyway ... and if they don't produce fruit this year, there is still some in the back that should. People are asking about Rhubarb Dessert, and I don't want to let them down.

We went up north last weekend, and spent some time cleaning out the porch. We took all the porch furniture out, and Bruce power washed. Then he power washed the inside of the porch and screens. We vacuumed out the boat as the Spring Fishing Trip With The Guys is coming up soon, and you have to have a clean boat for that.

Of course, Little Bohemian Heart has been keeping me entertained and now that Prom season is approaching, I'm starting to get some requests for corsages.

Things are okay, but things will be even better when Katie comes home in May ...

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