Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve

I'm feeling more organized this year. Thanksgiving dinner is tomorrow at our place, and I've already done a lot of the prep. Potatoes are peeled and waiting in cold water to be cooked and mashed tomorrow. Cranberries and gravy are done. Green bean casserole and candied yams are put together and ready to be popped into the oven. The relish tray will need to be assembled, but the carrots and celery are cut up and ready to go. Turkey is thawed in the fridge! Oh, my. Sparkling cider is chilling. House is basically picked up, I think. That leaves the actual roasting of the turkey, making the stuffing and corn, and putting out things like bread and lefse. Mark is bringing Swedish meatballs and Mom is bringing jello and pie.

We're still waiting for Katie to drive home, and I'm hoping she picks a time when the roads are okay and she's not exhausted from working. Jake drove home last night. The cats are readjusting to having more people around, and I do hope they behave themselves tomorrow. Like that will happen!

I'll let you all know how the turkey turns out, too. This year I'm going to attempt roasting it at a high temperature, which is supposed to make it really moist and delicious.

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