Sunday, February 10, 2013


I woke this morning with a feeling of dread. It wasn't that I didn't sleep well last night, I did, but the morning was so gray and the weather forecast was for yet another winter storm. I made my morning coffee, took care of all the animals, and read the Sunday paper. Then I decided to check Facebook and Words With Friends. All good things in their own way, but sometimes the internet has a way of pulling you in and productivity goes out the window. And, I hate to feel stuck, especially when I know there are so many other things I could be doing. So, I forced myself to take a shower and get dressed, picked up the kitchen, and started cleaning bathrooms. I wasn't feeling too much better though, and by this time the icy rain had started, then flurries, and the snow was starting to pile up. I called Debbie for inspiration and found out she was heading out to shovel her driveway for the third time today already. Wow. She said, you can do it, too. Normally Bruce would be out there taking care of the snow, but he's been in Orlando on a work trip, not due back until midnight, and I'm thinking he's not going to want to deal with all this snow when his flight finally gets in, if it gets in at all because of the weather. Alright, I thought, I'll go out and work on the driveway. It will be good for me. Kind of like forcing yourself to drive to an area of the city that you are not familiar with. These things are good for you. I did ask Jake to help and he graciously agreed. He manned the snow blower, and I manned the shovel, and together we got it done. And you know what? It felt great. Fresh air, some exercise, and seeing an accomplishment feels great. I don't know why we fight these things in the first place.

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