Friday, July 26, 2024

Mom's Journey (A Move To Mount Olivet)

On May 15th, Mom moved from Chapel View to Mount Olivet Careview Home in South Minneapolis. The ride over there in the van was rough. Mom's anxiety was high, and though I tried to distract her by pointing out interesting things to look at, it really didn't help much. Getting out of the van was hard, too, but once inside, friendly staff started talking to Mom, and she was able to settle down some.

We discovered that there were robotic animals there that looked very similar to the ones Mom had become attached to at Chapel View, and she also named these babies Peaches and Patches. Labon happened to be working there that evening, too, and had already filled in staff about Mom's evening routine. 

Mount Olivet has a strong music program, visiting dogs, and active games every day. They have a beautiful patio right by Mom's room, and we frequently go out there to sit in the sun and look up into the sky for clouds and airplanes. Mom has even been able to go out on music outings, and to Dairy Queen in the van!  

Nails are done weekly

Another new place to get used to, but now two months later, I think we're all settling in. Mom still has anxiety and sundowning in the later part of the day, and staff will sometimes call us when she needs to hear our voices. She's always looking to go home to her Mom and Dad these days. But, I do think I trust that they are taking good care of her. 💕

Outside 💙💚💛💜

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