Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Supper With Jake and Brianna

My dining room has been kind of a mess since we moved Mom into memory care 😉.  Not everything could go with her to the new apartment, and though a few pieces of furniture went into their storage unit, there was still plenty of stuff to go through once again. And, those things unfortunately landed in the dining room, with me thinking that it would be a motivation to get things done faster if I had to look at it everyday.

Well, not so fast, as I found out. But then we invited Jake and Brianna over for Supper last weekend, and that was motivating! Some things did end up in the donation pile, and some things were set aside for Mark and I to look through when he comes over for Wednesday Suppers. I brought the few last boxes upstairs into the spare bedroom so I could clean and set the table. 

I can't believe how having my dining room now back to normal has calmed my mind.

I made a corned beef brisket in the crockpot, with steamed little potatoes, salad, and roasted Brussels sprouts, with ice cream pie for dessert. I also found a new recipe for an oatmeal bread, which turned out pretty good.

We settled in front of the fire with a glass of wine, and got caught up with what was going on in life. I love getting together with my kids. 💕



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