While we wait for the results of the presidential election to come in, life goes on. And, really, after the results do come in, life will still go on. We'll wake up and start our days, and hopefully continue to live as good of a life we can, loving our people and being relatively content. That's what I plan on doing, anyway. I'm liking the usual routine of my day... starting with a morning video chat with Katie and little boy, followed by exercise or errands. Then on to organize and work toward
The Mission. I am working diligently on my Swedish Death Cleaning, last week organizing old jewelry, and this week sorting through massive piles of papers that I've found tucked away throughout the bedroom. To the person who shared with me her idea of stuffing papers in bags and tucking out of the way when company pops in for a visit, I say, I wished I hadn't thought it such a good idea at the time. Live and learn, I guess. A friend asked me to be her mentor as she tries to get through the stuff in her own home, and I guess I can give it a try! I've never been a mentor before.
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