Tuesday, October 1, 2019


It's been about a year since dad passed away. I can't say that I don't feel a little sad when I think about the last few years of his life, but I know that there probably wasn't anything more we could have done for him. Mom seems to be adjusting to her new life, too, maybe she's more at peace now that she doesn't have to watch him suffer. Life just seems so short these days. Watching people age and pass away can do that to you.

But, there are sweet memories, too. We had a little routine every time that we took mom to visit. We crossed off the calendar hanging on the wall of his room, and we wrote a little something in his notebook. We mostly talked about the day and the visit, sometimes about the grandkids and stuff that was happening in other people's lives, and sometimes little things that he said to us. Dad's mind could be clear at times, or not so clear other times. You never knew what you would get at the visit, but when you had a good visit, it was time to take notice and be glad.

I miss him.

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