Sunday, April 15, 2018


We're in the middle of an April blizzard in Minnesota, and there's really nothing to do except wait it out. It's been snowing heavily going on three days now, and roads are so bad that it's really best to stay off of them until things settle down.

I'm starting to get some energy back after my last procedure at the hospital on Wednesday, which is really good, but I'm restless and want to be getting out of the house! Instead we've mostly hunkered down in front of the fire to read and do Sudoku, with the cats doing their thing and mostly napping.

I made a venison roast in the crockpot yesterday, and today Bruce made us omelettes with the last of the ham and bacon we found in the fridge. I guess that's maybe a good thing, being forced to stay in and clean out the fridge instead of eating out so much.

But it's a test of patience.

I want it to be Spring.

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