Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017


My poor dad ended up having hip surgery on Thanksgiving morning. After 11 hours in the ER the day before, and a really good, but unsuccessful, attempt by the doctors there to coax his displaced hip back into place, it was decided that we needed to transfer him to Regions Hospital in St. Paul for another attempt in the OR. Because of the holiday weekend, Regions had a hip orthopedic surgeon on call, so there he went.

Surgery was not our first choice, but he was in a tremendous amount of pain. The surgery itself ended up not being as aggressive as it could have been, but surgery on someone who is 88 years old is almost always a big deal. He made it through, which was a huge relief and as exhausting as the situation was, we were so grateful that he was able to have the procedure done sooner than later and not have to continue on in the pain that he was experiencing.

Thanksgiving Dinner was then served several hours later than planned.

Dad is now back at the Care Center. I have to say, it feels good to have him back in a familiar place close to home.

I am thankful. I am grateful. I am accepting.


  1. Hi Sandy!
    Thank God everything went well with your dad. I hope he feels better and I'm sure he feels safer and calmer in a familiar place, where he can rest and recover from surgery, near his family.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Paula. It's good to have him closer to us.

  2. Oh Sandy, what a Thanksgiving. Praying for you father.


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