Sunday, September 3, 2017

Wild But Fun

We had an action packed visit with Katie and Avi, but now the house feels empty again!

Let's see ... State Fair, Twins Game, Vikings Game, BBQ's, visiting with Mom and Dad, Karaoke, late night games of Monopoly, driving to Winona to see Nick, shopping, wedding planning, Katie making us interesting food. Am I forgetting anything?

Punk loved sitting on Avi's lap.

Bruce got his crate of peaches.

I got some Momma/Katie time in.

We didn't make it to the cabin, but there's always next time.

And there might even be a chance of them coming home again at Christmas!


  1. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

  2. We did, it was so good to have them both here for a while. Even if it did go by quickly!


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