Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Amidst all the unsettledness and fatigue of the year, I thought it might be helpful to focus on how beautiful the colors are this week.

We've been working on the details of Grandma Gloria's End of Life Service, and of course I've come down with a head cold. Which always makes everything so much more of a struggle.

But the season is really beautiful. And I've been praying for more peace in our lives. Maybe more attempts to focus on small, good moments will move us along to a better place. I hope so, anyway.

In the meantime, maybe we just coast.

1 comment:

  1. (((((HUGS)))) my friend. I think it is so important to do just what you are doing and letting the beauty of the colors of Fall soak deeply in. Praying for more peace and calm in your life.


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