Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Summer Thing

Summer is here, and it's time to do the summer thing.

Notably, that means rhubarb dessert, airing out the house, and enjoying the porch and yard.

And, of course the bubble spa that Bruce gave me for Mother's Day ...

We weren't sure of the best place to put it at first. The screen porch was appealing because it felt more private, and with less chance of things blowing into it. But one of the fur babies, Cleo, has a knack of getting into trouble and we could see her somehow getting under the cover and that would be terrible if she were to drown.

We ended up putting it on the patio. Under the locust tree that drops tons of little seeds. Terry came over on Sunday, and we tried it out. Little seeds dropped in on us and that was annoying, but then early the next morning came heavy winds, and many of the seeds blew down, hopefully finishing up for the season!

Later Bruce and I sat in it in the evening after dark, and it was nice to look up into the skies at the stars and the moon.

When Katie gets home from her visit to Memphis, I think we should go and check out the goats at Purgatory Creek, working goats eating away at the noxious plants. Gotta love goats.


  1. I'm glad that you are enjoying your bubble spa, with or without seeds. ;)

  2. I'm glad that you are enjoying your bubble spa, with or without seeds. ;)


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