Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Instead of eating out this year, we decided to eat in at home. It was nice and relaxing, with no crowds to contend with. And we had soft chairs to sit in and plenty of time to talk.

Lilacs were in bloom, so I cut a bouquet for us to enjoy. I'm not sure why I haven't thought to do this before, but it could be a nice tradition to keep if I can only remember to do it again next year!

I made pretty much all of the food the day before, so I didn't have to work on Mother's Day. We had calico beans, a 7 layer salad, strawberries and blueberries, potato chips, and some cherry yum yum dessert (an icebox cheesecake type dessert which Bruce said was surprisingly light and delicious). Bruce picked up the rotisserie chicken from Cub.

We stopped by to visit Grandma Gloria in the memory unit later in the afternoon. It's getting more difficult for her to carry on a conversation, but it was peaceful to just sit and watch a little television with her.

And, I did miss having Katie with us. But we Skyped over the weekend, so that was good.



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