Monday, February 9, 2015

The Kids

February is ticking away, and soon Katie will be leaving for South Korea. It probably seems like I've been talking about this forever, but I think I'm finally starting to get used to the idea.

Jake was home for a week's break and went back to St. Olaf last night. It was so good to have him home. He spent a fair amount of time with old friends, but he's also been designing a computer in a brief case. He calls it "PisToGo" because it's made of five raspberry pi computers. In March, he'll be traveling to Missouri to present it at a conference. That's a pretty big deal, too!

Nick is living at home with us. He's thinking about going back to school, and has taken a job at Holiday in the meantime. He's been making me breakfast in the mornings before I leave for work. Nick has and always will have a heart of gold.

Funny how kids can be so different, but all so wonderful in their own ways. I'm thankful for all of my babies and feel so grateful to have them in my life. I've learned so much from them about being a mom.

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