Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Loom

I've been knitting on my loom again. I've forgotten how calming it is, and how nice it feels to finish something that I've made personally. This hat is for Terry. I'm thinking that I need to carve out time during my day on a regular basis for things like this. And not tuck the loom and yarn away in the closet so it's forgotten.


  1. I love it Sandy. I just bought a book on different crochet stitches today and I am planning on pulling out my Grandma Hazel's crochet hooks and learning some new stitches. :)

  2. I love it Sandy. I just bought a book on different crochet stitches today and I am planning on pulling out my Grandma Hazel's crochet hooks and learning some new stitches. :)

  3. I've been thinking about learning how to crochet, too. Is it difficult?

    1. I learned some basic stitches years ago from a friend. If I can learn it, it can't be that hard. ;)

  4. Thanks. I should probably give it a try, then. :)


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