Monday, July 1, 2013

Wild Times

I can't believe this summer. Just in the last week alone, we were without power or water for an entire weekend, my sister-in-law came for a week's visit (arrived exactly one hour after our power and water was restored), my Aunt Harriet passed away, (funeral is Wednesday), family reunion we are hosting is less than two days away, and we need to move Katie to her new place in the middle of it all. I'm a little tired and I think I'd rather focus on more peaceful things. Thus the picture of my strawberry pots... I found that it's not so easy to add dirt to a strawberry pot as the dirt has a tendency to come out of the side pockets, but the dirt eventually got added and I think the plants ended up looking kind of pretty. One is a strawberry plant, the other is sweet basil, and I really hope they live because I don't have much of a green thumb. They're fun to look at, though, and they're a nice distraction from all the craziness.

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