Friday, January 31, 2025

44 Years Ago


It was 44 years ago today that we met at Bullwinkle's Saloon in Minneapolis. I was 21, Bruce was 25, we were really just babies. And for the longest time, we would only tell people that we met after college while we were both out with friends, which was true, but we didn't mention that we had also met at a bar. I'm not sure why we chose to leave out that detail, because that's where people would often meet back in the day. And of course, there was no such thing as online dating back then. The internet didn't even exist. 

Bullwinkle's was probably considered a dive bar even in those days, but reading up on its history now, the neighborhood became more dangerous, with a couple of deadly shootings there in 2018 and 2023, and then the place was condemmed. That just makes me sad.  

leftovers to bring home, yum yum yum!

Today, though, we celebrated 44 years with a lunch special at Kai's Little Sushi. Plus a workout at Planet Fitness, our new place to go a few times a week. 44 years! Doesn't that seem like a crazy amount of time ago? 

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