Sunday, June 9, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

Oh, I'm still so far behind on my blog. Here it's June already, almost Father's Day, and I'm just getting around to talking about Mother's Day. It's been a wild past couple of months for Grandma Joyce, but I promise you that you'll hear the full story soon!  

Three Mommas

In the morning, Katie and I visited Mom at Chapel View. I brought her a piece of French Silk Pie, and Katie gave her flowers. It was a peaceful morning, and I was feeling grateful to have a Mom still here in my life, and to spend a Mother's Day with.

honey bunny 💚💛💜

Danzer approves

Arriving back at home from the visit, there was food prep going on. All the kids and Bruce put together a lunch including quiche, cucumber sandwiches, salads, veggies and dip, fresh fruit, scones, and deviled eggs. Katie made fruit pizza! I contributed a French Silk pie, but we ended up way too full to eat it.

I thought everyone gave me thoughtful gifts, too. It was a lovely Mother's Day. 💕

Pansies for Katie

Don't worry, the pie got eaten eventually.

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