Sunday, February 3, 2019

January Eat Out Of The Pantry Challenge Officially Over


The January Eat Out of the Pantry Challenge is over!

I think we did really well although there is still a lot of food in this house. No surprises there, I knew that would be the case. But Bruce did say that there was an obvious dent in the pantry and freezers, and I have to agree.

It wasn't so bad once we got into the swing of it. I ended up buying some things like ... milk, coffee, coffee creamer, bread, english muffins, bananas, and fresh tomatoes. Also some sliced ham and a cantaloupe so that Bruce could make his special appetizer kabobs when we went to Pa and Richard's for game night. Also some wine ... does that even count?

We went out to eat three times.

On the night before February 1, I found myself getting excited, thinking about going to the grocery store. It's crazy that I love to grocery shop so much! And I had to reign in that feeling because I think I need some new behaviors when it comes to buying food.

I mentioned before that I started making soup on Sundays. Today I made bean soup with some chorizo sausage I found in the freezer. Yikes that stuff was spicy, but Bruce seemed to enjoy it. I think I'll continue doing that routine this month, too.

Bruce defrosted the freezer in the basement, and what we found was lots of venison and lots of fish. Maybe we have a meal of venison and a meal of fish every week for awhile.

So, maybe February isn't officially an eat out of the pantry month, but maybe it's an unofficial eat out of the pantry month.

I think I'll continue recording meals on the sweet guinea pig calendar that Katie and Avi game me. That should help keep me accountable.


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