Thursday, April 30, 2015

Smelt Fry

Well, I can cross that one off my bucket list. The VFW by the cabin had their smelt fry last weekend, and though we started to chicken out at the last minute, we decided we had to go or we would be thinking about it again next year, or the next, or the next.

I don't need to go again. Maybe it would have been better if the smelt were crispier, or maybe not? There were certainly enough people in the room talking about how delicious their plates of smelt were, so perhaps it's an acquired taste. But I went, and now I know. No regrets.

We put the boat in and went for a leisurely ride along the shores of the lake. The water is so clear and smooth at this time of the year. There were patches of fish eggs along the bottom of the lake that Bruce thinks might be perch spawn.

And we tried out the portable steps into the car for Jess. She was able to get in easily, so that was nice.

We might go up again this weekend so Bruce can help Curt get his dock in. Maybe this will be a summer of many get aways to the lake! Finally.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch

We've had a quiet weekend around here. Yesterday was wonderful weather, today not so much. We ran a few errands, did a few chores around the house, and spent time hanging out with the fur babies.

I decided that we needed to do something about the cat box situation in the laundry room. Cleo goes wild with her kicking and can pretty much empty out half the litter on the floor by herself. We looked around the stores for a larger, covered box and then remembered that we already had one tucked up in the rafters of the garage (why?) so, we pulled it down to use. I'm thinking we should have done this in the beginning!

Some squirrels chewed holes in the bird feeders, too. We found a couple new ones that are supposed to deter them, plus are metal and so should be a bit harder to chew through. Within a half hour of putting them up, a squirrel was already hanging on one, and feasting away. Bruce then moved that feeder to a higher branch with a longer cord. We'll see.

Grandma Gloria was in a good mood today. I'm not sure she knew who we were, but she seemed happy to have visitors. She also seemed to be enjoying her split pea and ham soup for lunch.

The seeded zinnias are starting to sprout. It's hard to imagine that they'll ever be as large as the packet says they will, but wouldn't it be cool if they could thrive. Plus, it will be a big savings over buying ones all ready to plant!

I'm sticking with my plan to cook most meals at home. Tonight was a slow cooked meal of kielbasa, potatoes, onions, carrots, and cabbage. (with even enough leftovers for lunch.) At some point we'll sit down and tally up a total of how much we've spent in the last year eating out. We'll then have a baseline to work with when we decide what our goal for spending is this year. Embracing frugality, that's the plan. I think it's workable.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Planning Ahead

We've started talking about the idea of retirement.

Not now, but it's probably not as far into the future as it was before. We've been blessed, but I'm sure that the future has plenty of unknown surprises that we'll have to deal with. It's not always easy to have the budget talk, or come to agreement on things, but we do agree that our lifestyle will most likely have to change some.

Personally, I don't have control over everything, but one thing I can contribute is making meals at home. I've said this before and I'll say it again, you can save a lot of money by eating at home, and it's a healthier thing to do, too. So tempting to eat out! But I can also have a plan, and try to follow through.

I made some pepper steak last night. It had a lot of ingredients, and I told myself that I should just focus on the moment and enjoy the process. I looked at the beautiful colored peppers as I chopped them, and told myself to slow down when I wanted to just rush through and get it done. In the end, it was quite satisfying and I was proud of myself! This plan to cook most meals at home just might become my new hobby! At any rate, it's the right thing to do.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lake Time

We went to the lake for a night this weekend, hoping that we'd be able to put the dock in. The lake was starting to open, but it looked like the wind had blown whatever ice was left right in front of our place. Things hadn't changed enough before it was time to head home, so the dock stayed up on the shore.

We did go for a walk, though, and the frogs were loud! I think that's one of my favorite things this time of year.

We had banana bread for breakfast, and a Lotsa Motsa sausage pizza for lunch.

Jessie is having a harder time getting in and out of the car and I'm wondering if we need to find some portable steps for her to use. But she's been eating well, and seems relaxed once she's up there, so hopefully we'll be able to keep bringing her with us.

Oh, and we heard about a smelt fry at a local Lutheran Church in the area at the end of April, and we might check it out. I don't remember what smelt tastes like, but it's been on my list of things to do!

Sunday, April 5, 2015



We missed having Katie with us at Easter this year, but at least we were able to Skype with her in the morning. The Korean Wedding Ducks she gave us became the centerpiece of our Easter table, so we did have a little part of her with us today.

The Robert Redford dessert was good as were the cheesy potatoes, but then they always are.

We also celebrated Dad's 86th birthday, and Mark gave him some cool binoculars.

Wishing you all a very blessed Easter!