Well, I can cross that one off my bucket list. The VFW by the cabin had their smelt fry last weekend, and though we started to chicken out at the last minute, we decided we had to go or we would be thinking about it again next year, or the next, or the next.
I don't need to go again. Maybe it would have been better if the smelt were crispier, or maybe not? There were certainly enough people in the room talking about how delicious their plates of smelt were, so perhaps it's an acquired taste. But I went, and now I know. No regrets.
We put the boat in and went for a leisurely ride along the shores of the lake. The water is so clear and smooth at this time of the year. There were patches of fish eggs along the bottom of the lake that Bruce thinks might be perch spawn.
And we tried out the portable steps into the car for Jess. She was able to get in easily, so that was nice.
We might go up again this weekend so Bruce can help Curt get his dock in. Maybe this will be a summer of many get aways to the lake! Finally.