Monday, February 17, 2014

The Big Move

Grandma Gloria is now moved into the memory unit. It seems like a good place for her, lots of room to roam and lots of interesting things to look at. The staff seem like they know what they are doing, too. There are resident animals living there, Bree is the hound in the photos and also a big orange tabby that looks a lot like Pumpkin. Moves are hard, but I think this move has ended up being a very good thing.


  1. I imagine the resident animals get a lot of attention! Moving is stressful, but I hope your grandmother settles in quickly. Sounds like you have an experienced staff who will help her with the transition.

  2. The dog is pretty cool. :-)
    Thanks, MadHen. We're hoping that she can stay at this place for a while!


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