Saturday, June 22, 2024

June Brown Eyed Book Club Beauties

Book Club was here on Sunday, June 2nd. The day was beautiful, and we spent the whole afternoon sitting in the porch. Kat showed us pictures, and told us about her recent trip to Germany. And also since we each have a parent who lives in a long term care community, we will usually talk about that and give each other support.  

Fuzzy Navel 😋

We had delicious nourishment, of course, and fuzzy navels were the special drink of the day. There was bacon & egg bake, pull apart cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, a charcuterie tray, Bienenstich cakes, and a green jello that looked like it should be lime flavored, but was instead Wald Meister flavored. According to Kat, "this literally translates to Master of the Woods, but its English name is Sweet Woodruff." Who knew?

made with love by Mona

Bienenstich cakes and Wald Meister jello

Our next meeting will be at Mona's in July, and our book selection will be Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult. We continue to pick books that can be borrowed at the library!

Greetings from The Brown Eyed Book Club Beauties

Friday, June 21, 2024

Father's Day 2024

All of the kids planned this year's Father's Day Celebration. Nick offered to host a BBQ at his place and became grill master of the burgers and dogs, while everyone else brought food to share. It was steamy hot outside. We moved three patio tables together that had umbrellas for shade, and eventually the wind picked up which helped, too. Avi, Aaron, and Nick spent time in the pool, while the rest of us sat under the umbrellas and talked. Of course right as we were packing up to go home, Aaron slipped on the patio and got scrapes above his mouth and on his knee. I'm thinking that it really wouldn't be a true family get together if something like this didn't happen! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Danzer Swims


It's amazing how little ones can so easily learn how to swim. Daniel appears to have no fear of putting his face into the water, and seems willing to try everything in the lesson. I'm sure it does help to have warm water to be in, too. 

The one memory I have of learning how to swim is when I was 6 years old and had to jump into the deep end of an ice, cold outdoor pool at 8 in the morning, grab hold of a pole our instructor was holding, and be pulled back to the side!

Since there are so many lakes in Minnesota, it does make sense to learn how to be a strong swimmer. Good for Katie and Avi for starting lessons early.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

St Stanislaus West Fest On 7th


Grandma Mary


Bruce and Leroy

Host Mark

Followed by the Teddy Bear Band

Long time friends Mark and Mary invited us to perform at the St Stanislaus West Fest on 7th this last Saturday, an event celebrating the people, places, and history of the West Seventh Neighborhood. Their church, St Stan's, hosted, and the fest ended up being quite a success! We were followed by the Teddy Bear Band (who were around since when our own kids were little) and later on in the evening, Pat Mancini & the Goombas. We didn't stick around for the evening street dance, but maybe next year. 😊