I had a lovely birthday this year! I felt love from friends and family, and there's nothing better than that.
Book Club actually ended up here on my birthday, too. All I had to do was provide wine coolers and lemonade, and they (Mona, Cathy, Kat) brought everything else ... wow, did they bring everything else. 😂
I was still so full in the evening, that we decided to just pick up some pizza from Detello's and eat it on the porch with a glass of wine. But the blueberry icebox cake had to wait for another time.
Bruce gave me (us) a membership to the Minnesota Arboretum plus a couple of decks of cards with hummingbirds and raptors on them from the Arboretum. Katie sent me a book of poems by Mary Oliver. Birthday greetings from both of my boys, and I had Happy Birthday sung to me from five different people, including Mom. 💖
I don't really feel 60.